BSOV’s 1-Year Anniversary
17th of June, 2020

Updates happening this day
The 17th of June, 2020, it was exactly one year since Mundo deployed the smart-contract of BitcoinSOV (BSOV), so now the community celebrates by releasing a handful of updates.
Links are enabled after these updates are released.
- BSOV Whitepaper
- CoinTelegraph Article [DELAYED]
- Video 1: The United States Inflation Machine [external link] has been added to the Videos page
- Medium Article: Comparing BSoV’s Potential Inflation Rate to Bitcoins Inflation Rate, and Distinguishing the Tokenomical Differences [external link]
- Medium Article: BitMEX, Binance, Mt. Gox: Why Holders Need to Take Responsibility. [external link]
- Announcement: The 25th of June. Ask-me-anything (AMA) with Mundo, the Founder of BSOV and writer of Whitepaper – hosted by the Crypto Revolution Telegram group. Join @BSOVnews Telegram group to wait for announcement with more details.
Are you too impatient to refresh this page repeatedly to wait for the updates? Fear not! You can join the @BSOVnews and @BitcoinSOVCommunity Telegram groups too receive the updates by notification!